CS4500 Test 4 Study Guide

CS4500 Test 4 Study Guide

Note: This is a study guide, answers may be incorrect, double check and best of luck.
  1. A ________ network is totally isolated from the global Internet. Private
  2. On a network that uses NAT, the router can use ______ global address(es). A pool of
  3. In the sending computer, UDP sends a data unit from the _____ layer. Application
  4. TCP uses ____ for error detection. Checksum, Acknowledge and time-out
  5. _____ is an IP layer security protocol that only provides integrity and authentication. AH
  6. The ______ timer keeps track of the time between the sending of a segment and the receipt of an acknowledgement. Retransmission
  7. The definition of reliable delivery includes ______. Error-Free Delivery
  8. Which of the following is not part of the UDP user datagram header? Length of Header
  9. The _____ defines the server program. Well-Known Port Number
  10. If the incoming queue of a UDP client overflows, _____ The user datagrams are discarded and a port unreachable message is sent
  11. TCP lies between the ______ and the ______ layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Application; Transport
  12. Which of the following does UDP guarantee? None of the Above
  13. IP is responsible for _____ communication while TCP is responsible for _____ communications.Host-to-host ; Process-to-process
  14. The foreign network address of a mobile host with a care-of address of is ______. N/A
  15. A host can be identified by _____ while a program running on the host can be identified by _______. AN IP address ; a port number
  16. A network has addresses that range from to This is probably a(n) _____ network. Private
  17. In _____, data are sent or processed at a very inefficient rate, such as 1 byte at a time.  Silly window syndrome
  18. The _____ address uniquely identifies a running application program. Socket
  19. If a segment carries data along with an acknowledgment, this is called ______. Piggybanking
  20. The ____ field is used to order packets of a message. Sequence number
  21. If the mobile host is on the same network as the remote host, an inefficient situation called _____ occurs when the remote host sends a message to the mobile host. Triangle Routing
  22. Which of the following is not a valid acknowledgement number? 2^32
  23. Which field indicates the length of the TCP header? Header Length
  24. The source port address on the UDP user datagram header defines _____. The application program of the sending computer
  25. The _____ defines the client program. Ephemeral Port Number
  26. What is the maximum number of no-operation options in one 32-bit word? 32/8=4
  27. If the outgoing queue of a UDP client overflows, ______. The operating system asks the server to wait before any more messages are sent
  28. What is the maximum number of the end-of-option options in the entire TCP header?  320/32 = 10
  29. To prevent silly window syndrome created by a receiver that processes data at a very slow rate, _____ can be used. Clark’s Solution and Delayed Acknowledgment
  30. An ACK number of 1,000 always means that _____. None of the Above
  31. The _____ timer prevents a long idle connection between two TPCs. Keep-Alive
  32. The _____ timer is needed to handle the zero window-size advertisement. Persistence
  33. Karin’s algorithm is used in calculations by the _____ timer. Retransmission
  34. Multiply the header length field by ____ to find the total number of bytes in the TCP header. Four
  35. A VPN uses ____ to guarantee privacy. IPSec and Tunneling
  36. A server issues ____ open while a client issues ____ open. Passive; Active
  37. ______ is a collection of protocols that provide security at the IP layer level. IPSec
  38. Urgent data requires the urgent pointer field as well as the URG bit in the ____ field. Control
  39. Connection establishment involves a ______ handshake; connection termination involves a _____ handshake. Three-way
  40. Tunneling is a technique in which the IP datagram is first ____ and then ____ . Encrypted; encapsulated in another datagram
  41. On a network that uses NAT, the _____ has a translation table. Router
  42. To prevent silly window syndrome created by a sender that sends data at a very slow rate, _____ can be used. Nagle’s Algorithm
  43. When the IP layer of a receiving host receives a datagram, _____. Transport Layer protocol takes over
  44. If the incoming queue of a UDP servers overflows, ______. The user datagrams are discarded and a port unreachable message is sent
  45. _____ is a protocol that provides security at the transport layer level. TLS
  46. Which option defines the maximum number of bytes in a TCP segment? Maximum Segment Size
  47. An _____ is a private network with limited external access that uses the TCP/IP protocol suite. Extranet
  48. The handshake protocol and data exchange protocol are part of _____.  SSH

Short Problem
  1. Calculate the UDP checksum for the following binary numbers. Give the results in binary. Use the 16-bit format.
01000111  11100001
00000111  10001001
00000111  10001011
00000111  10001111

 01000111  11100001
+00000111  10001001
 01001000  01101010

 01001000  01101010
+00000111  10001011
 01001111  11110101

 01001111  11110101
+00000111  10001111
 01010000 01110000 <- UDP Checksum

  1. The following is dump of a TCP header in hexadecimal format.
05320017 00000001 0000000 500207FF 0000000

a.) What is the source port number (in decimal form)?
05 32 = 1330
b.) What is the destination port number (in decimal form)?
00 17 = 23
c.) What is the sequence number (in decimal form)?
00 00 00 01 = 1
d.) What is the acknowledgement number (in decimal form)?
00 00 00 00 = 0
e.) What is the window size (in decimal form)?
07 FF = 2047 bytes
  1. Given the class-A address and mask, do starting and broadcast addresses exist for the block? If so, what are they? No
  1. A supernet mask is How many class C networks are combined to make this supernet? 8
  2. In a class C subnet, we know the IP address of one of the hosts and the mask as given below:
IP address:
What is the first (network address) and the last address (broadcast address) in this      subnet? First - last

  1. The subnet mask for a class C network is How many subnetworks are available? How many assignable hosts ids per subnet?
2^3-2= 6 subnets ; 2^4= 16 hosts ids per subnet

  1. An ISP is granted a block of classless address starting with The ISP wants to distribute blocks of addresses to different customer groups as follows:
    1. Customer Group 1: The number of customers in this group is 100. The type of customer is a medium-size business that needs 128 addresses.
    2. Customer Group 2: The number of customers in this group is 200. The type of customer is a small-size business that needs 32 addresses.
    3. Customer Group 3: The number of customer in this group is 1024. The type of customer is a household that needs 8 addresses.

Design the blocks (ranges) for each customer in slash notation. For a,b and c, only show blocks for the 1st, 2nd and last customer.

               d.) After a, b, and c are satisfied, how many addresses remain for the ISP?


1st Customer
2nd Customer

2^5 = 32; 32-5 = 27 prefixes
1st Customer
2nd Customer
200th Customer

2^3=8; 32-3=29
1st Customer
2nd Customer
1024th Customer

8^16 = 65536 Total available
100*128  = 12800
200*32 = 6400
1024*4 = 4096
65,536 - 12800 - 6400 - 4096 = 42,240 left


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