IoT Project - Using Adruino,Wifi, Xbee and Xively

IoT Project

Mission: Find a way to collect sensor data with many endpoints with one central coordinator to process the data and communicate it to the internet.

Endpoint: Tempterature Sensor and Xbee Series 1 Module (E)
Coordinator: Arduino Uno, Wifi Shield, Xbee Series 1 Module (C)

Software: Arduino 1.0.5 IDE | XTCU

Difficulties: Receiving data packets from endpoint to coordinator, i still couldnt figure out how to convert voltage to temperature. It seems its more complicated than voltage to tempature, because it involves high/low bits received. My limited time and knowledge have stalled the project, but the theory was proven.

Enjoy this quick demo video:
Final Attempt -->

First Attempt -->

Source Code Available Upon Request.

Dalibor Labudovic


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