CS4500 Test 4 Study Guide Note: This is a study guide, answers may be incorrect, double check and best of luck. A ________ network is totally isolated from the global Internet. Private On a network that uses NAT, the router can use ______ global address(es). A pool of In the sending computer, UDP sends a data unit from the _____ layer. Application TCP uses ____ for error detection. Checksum, Acknowledge and time-out _____ is an IP layer security protocol that only provides integrity and authentication. AH The ______ timer keeps track of the time between the sending of a segment and the receipt of an acknowledgement. Retransmission The definition of reliable delivery includes ______. Error-Free Delivery Which of the following is not part of the UDP user datagram header? Length of Header The _____ defines the server program. Well-Known Port Number If the incoming queue of a UDP client overflows, _____ The user datagrams are discarded and a port unrea...