CS 4150 Midterm
LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES Dalibor Labudovic CS 4150 Midterm All answers to discussion questions need to be in complete sentences and grammatically correct! 80/100 Compare static type binding and dynamic type binding. Be sure to use the four criteria (readability, writability, reliability, and cost). Comparing static type binding and dynamic type binding is determining whether a type binding has the ability to be changed. Static type binding obviously cannot be changed, under the four criteria’s: readability is low, writability is high ( variables have to utilized in another way to extend size ) , reliability is high (because following as the type is being used in one way and then in a different when the size has to altered) and cost is high. My thoughts on cost being high are the limitation a static type binding would pose on scalability. Dynamic type binding can be changed and under the four criteria’s: readability is high (a v...